KHBlacky97Hyro | He/Him | 23Friendly italian furry artist who spends a lot of time drawing, playing games and watching anime. At University and makes art as a fun side activity.If you wish to commission me, I ask to give my Terms of Service (ToS for short) a read through. Thank you!You can also find me here:
***- Currency: I only accept Euros; will add the USD equivalent ***
- SFW and NSFW allowed
- Kinks are not allowed. If unsure, DM me or read the ToS
*Cellshaded/Sketch comics: €15/$17
*Demon Slayer styled: €18/$20
*Full shading: €20/$23
Reference sheets:
- €30/$34 (front and back)
- €35/$40 (Front, Back and Clothes)
**Static Emotes: €5/$5
Animated Emotes: €7/$8
***Persona 5 icons: €7/$8
*For more characters in a single picture, a +50% extra per character will be charged. If one or more characters belong to me, a +25% extra will be charged instead
**Limit of 5 emotes per set
***Size will be 1000x1000

Please read everything within this document before deciding to commission me. Failure to complete this task and agree to the terms of service, will have your commission declined.STANDARD TERMS
1) The Term “ToS” refers to Terms of Service
2) The Terms “I”, “Me”, “The Artist” refers to me, KHBlacky97
3) The term “Commissioner”, “Client” and “you” refers to the individual or organisation that is paying for services from the artist.
4) The term “FurAffinity” or "FA" refers to
5) The term "Twitter" or "Tw" refers to
6) The term "DM" stands for Direct Message
7) The term "beware" means that one artist sends out to other people a warning notice of a user(s) who showed particularly bad behaviour, showcasing proof of it by showing conversations that occured
8) The term NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token, which is a unique and non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a digital ledgerQUICK DISCLAIMER - FREE ART
This section is dedicated mainly for commissions made to the Artist.
In the occurance of free art, such as raffles or requests, it shall be specified through social media, FA or Tw.
The artist is also allowed to give out free art to another on his own will, depending if said target accepts free art.
By no means you are entitled to ask for free art from me and any form of harassment will result in the artist blocking you and possibly sending a beware.
In the occurance of acceptance of art trade, both sides must discuss about it and keep sending status updates on their works. Art trade is not free art, as it requires effort to both artists. An issue with the opposite side will cause me to interrupt my works until it's been fixed.PRICES
The artist's prices may change in the future. All of the prices and disclaimer information can be found on the artist's FA's commission info, , in image form, on the Carrd site. It will contain the basic commission information costs. The cost of each commission will be detailed to the commissioner when discussing the commission. By no means the prices are negotiable.INTEREST
To express an interest in purchasing a commission a Note should be sent to the artist detailing the requirement. The commissioner should be aware that any communication between the commissioner and the artist may be saved in a location other than the way it was originally communicated.BEING ACCEPTED AS A COMMISSIONER
The artist reserves the right to chose who can apply for work to be commissioned. If the artist does not wish to work with the commissioner, the artist is not required to inform the commissioner as to why their commission request has not been accepted.ARTWORK REFERENCES
Unless explicitly stated by the artist in writing, a form of reference will be required before undertaking any commission. The artist will not be required to research the commissioner’s requirements in advance and may decline working with the commissioner if there is not enough references to be able to undertake the commission. The references can be provided in one of two forms, either a “reference sheet” or a “text reference”.PAYMENT
All payment on commissions will be invoiced or paid directly to the artist as per accord. The artist will not be responsible for any costs that the commissioner incurs through this.
Payment must be made in full and it has to be paid before or after the commission is done, depending on the artist's discretion. Please note that in case of payment occuring once the product is finished, the artist will post the final product to the commissioner and on social platforms after the payment has been confirmed. Unless specified, the commissioner has a total of 48 hours to pay, otherwise the invoke is rejected and the commission never published and/or sent in full quality to the commissioner.
All invoices will be issued in EUR (Euros). If the commissioner uses another currency, they are required to convert their currency into EUR for the transaction.COMMISSION BASICS
The artist may or not accept a commission depending on what it has. This includes but it's not limited to: vore, scat, gore, stretched parts, inflation/cumflation, over the top body parts, child porn/underage looks, bestiality, lolis, etc. If the commissioner wants to be certain, they are free to ask the artist in DMs.
The artist retains artistic freedom only when specified/discussed with the commissioner, and is free to add some extra edits.
- Media Characters: The artist can draw certain characters that exist within specific media (Pokémon, Digimon, etc.). As stated before, a reference/picture of said character(s) will be requested.
- OCs: The artist asks the commissioner(s) to provide characters they made/own and/or have NOT been traced/stolen by another artists. The commissioner(s) MUST send a source link to the main ref sheet of the character in question (preferably on Tw, FA, or; the artist will also have the liberty to ask and/or see themselves the legitimacy of said character. This is important, as it can cause the artist future issues in case the commission(s) is(are) discovered by the original owner(s). Gift arts of other OCs are accepted but MUST be specified so that during publication the artist will make credits, as well as showing proof of who the original owner is and that they are fine with receiving gift arts.COMMISSION WORK
When open for commissions, the artist will work on a series of commissions in the order they were accepted. So, commission A, commission B, commission C, etc. The artist also holds the rights to do something of their own in the middle.
During commissions, the artist will send the commissioner updates of the commission(s) through screenshots in the DMs of the preferred social platform, as well as putting their logo as a placeholder.
During commission work, it is requested not to spam the artist about updates on the commission, as they don't have a free 24/7 schedule. That said, commissioners are free to socialize with them on other social media, getting to know them a bit more if they wish.ISSUES AND REFUNDS
If the artist has any sort of problem, he is required to update the commissioner(s) about the situation. Please note that the artist is allowed to offer a partial or full refund depending on the situation.
The artist can also offer refunds to the commissioner in case of stolen character(s), as well as complete removal of the commission on social medias and a beware of said commissioner to other artists.
If the commissioner(s) has any sort of problem, he is required to inform the artist about the situation. Please note that, depending on the state of the commission, the commissioner can or cannot demand a refund to the artist: generally, if the commission is before or during the lineart making, then the commissioner is allowed to ask for a refund in case of payment occuring before the works; if lineart has been fully completed, then payment refund is declined. It is also required to provide sufficient proof on why the refund is requested, as well as honesty from the commissioner's side.COMMISSION USAGE
The artist retains the copyright on the overall image, showcased by a logo, and is free to post on their social medias; however the commissioner retains the copyright on their characters. The artist will ensure that the commissioner’s details are listed with the image when it is made public online. The artist asks the commissioner to ensure that the artist’s details are listed with the image when made public and does not remove the artist's logo from the original picture.
As the artist retains copyright on the overall image the artist may use the image in a commercial situation, including but not limited to, selling physical prints of the commission and wall scrolls. The artist will not be required to inform the commissioner of this commercial usage. All commissions undertaken for commercial use or will have a different terms of service applicable to them; this will be detailed on the invoice.NFT AND CRYPTOCURRENCY
The artist denies NFTs and any form of cryptocurrency involving their art or as any form of payment. If any of their art is labelled as NFT and uploaded without permission, the artist has any rights to take action on the matter.